About ZOG

DJ ZOG - https://www.zog.net.au/

low cost simple John Linsley Hood 1969 class A amp kit build

A simple build of one of the basic JLH 1969 Class A kits into a dumpster dived old amp chassis.

JLH 1969 found object chassis

Used a 120W SMPS after reading in the DIYaudio forums lots of people getting positive results combining this older “classic” DIY design with modern quality switched mode power supplies.

I decided to build this to dabble further with Class A amplifiers after being quite impressed with a very well made DIY S.E.T. Class A valve amp I got to loan. One of the few gear changes my wife has made unsolicited positive comments about the sound.

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BLACK MOY, Zoe Keating, Bersarin Quartett, The Children’s Encyclopædia

A quite varied range here, ranging through techno, modern classical, electronic (IDM?) and guitar ambient noise:

BLACK MOY: Parameters – some more nice meat and potatoes minimal:

Bersarin Quartett : pleasant orchestral sounding IDM.. or IDM sounding Orchestral? not sure:
found via mention on SNA forums.

Zoe Keating: Into The Trees – Modern Classical..but has almost an electronic austere feel to it.

The Children’s Encyclopædia – The Strings That Make The Music : floaty ambient electric guitar stuff.

PVC bass reflex port extenders.

The current 139 litre volume of the cabinets I’m planning need a two 100mm diameter 24 cm bass reflex ports to tune to my proposed frequency of 33Hz.. Any of the bass reflex tube products cost quite a few bucks to send over to Australia unfortunately. Thanks to the useful suggestions of Stereo.net.au forum members, I got the idea of making my own from PVC water piping, using a heat gun to form the flares. But I’m not so handy with being able to fashion them presentably well, so I went with a combined approach of using some less expensive fixed lenth 200mm long ports (the same kind from Altronics I’ve already used), with some 90mm PVC piping to make short extensions with flaring on the end.

Lucky I still had the offcuts from the ones I had shortened for the Econowave speakers so I could use that to check the dimensions were OK:

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